Machida Catholic Church (Guide to Newcomers)


☆☆ About Machida Catholic Church ☆☆

Machida Catholic Church is under the jurisdiction of Archdiocese of Tokyo and has about 1600 parishioners who either reside in Machida City or in its surrounding areas. This church is governed by the Roman Catholic Church headed by Pope Francis from its headquarters in Rome, Italy.
The church is open to everyone 😊
Fr. Takahiro Tanaka is the parish priest of Machida Catholic Church. He is a man of slender figure, likes children and is very good at explaining Jesus Christ's teachings in layman's terms.

We believe in the Holy Trinity (One God made up of Almighty Creator the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit) and in eternal life.
We live our daily lives through daily sufferings and joys; through thanksgiving to all the blessings we receive; and by following Jesus Christ's teachings. Although we sometimes fall due to life's heavy burdens, we don't give up easily and instead continue to live Christ's teachings.
But most of all, together with you, we are very eager to live a meaningful He by exerting our utmost effort in following the steps of Jesus Christ.
Meaning of "Church"
For us Christians, "Church" does not mean the edifice, but it pertains to its members as a whole and their collective actions.
We also believe that the use of the church building is not limited to its parishioners, but it is also open to anyone who comes, including newcomers like you.
How to know more about the "Church"
Following are several ways to learn more about the Catholic Church and the teachings of Jesus.
For first timers, please do not hesitate to join 😊
We, all church parishioners, gather every Sunday at the Machida Catholic Church to attend the Holy Mass. During the Mass, we ponder deeply about Christ's life and understand His teachings. We also try to be friends with newcomers and make them feel welcome.

☆☆ About the Mass ☆☆

The Mass commemorates Jesus Christ's last supper with His disciples before His crucifixion. (After Christ's death, early Christians gathered to commemorate Christ's death and resurrection. That gathering is the origin of the Mass.)
Mass Schedule:
Sunday:First Mass7:30AM-8:30AM
※ Parking in front of the church is allowed.
Second Mass10:30AM-11:30AM
※ Only those with parking permits issued by the church are allowed to park in front of the church.
During the second Mass, there are ushers stationed near the entrance who guide newcomers to the main chapel.
Don't hesitate to ask help from the ushers.
Friday:10:00AM ~
※ Masses on Fridays may be cancelled.
Saturday:6:30PM ~
※ This is Sunday's Mass
The church is open from7:00AM to 7:00 PM. Feel free to come to church during this time to pray.
Tabernacle (box where the Holy Host is kept)
Tabernacle is located near the altar. We remember Christ through the bread and wine during the Mass. The bread (which for us, Christians, is Jesus' body) is placed into this box for safekeeping.
The Statue of Mother and Child
In front of the church is a statue of the Mother and Child (represents Mother Mary and the child Jesus). It is placed in front of the church to show respect to Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, who has received special blessings from our God the Father.

☆☆ About the Parish Priest ☆☆

The parish priest is an expert who has in-depth knowledge of the Bible and Christ's teachings, and can explain them in layman's terms.
Jesus Christ had chosen twelve people among His disciples. We call those twelve people "Apostles" and Peter was appointed as their head. The twelve Apostles spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to many places, founded churches, and appointed their successors. The appointed successors of the Apostles are what we call Bishops who until now continue spreading the Good News all over the world. In Japan there are 16 Dioceses and there are 17 bishops. A bishop appoints priests, and together with these priests spread the Good News to all peoples alike.

※ Note that in other, non-Catholic Christian congregations, "priest" is called "pastor" instead.

☆☆ Our Prayer (contains our Christian faith) ☆☆

The prayer which Jesus Christ taught us is called "The Lord's Prayer".
The Lord's Prayer is the most complete prayer. Although it is very concise it contains all desires and wishes of every human being. The Lord's Prayer comprises teaching of Jesus Christ and of the Gospel. It serves as the foundation of all prayers, whether we pray it alone or with someone else.

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.

※ Other catholic prayers are on Prayers page

Please feel free to visit Machida Catholic Church.
May Christ's love be with us!

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